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When you’re going through a breakup, there are millions of questions and emotions running through your mind, and it can make it difficult to move forward. This book helps fill in those blanks to all those wandering “whys” and “what-ifs” we experience by providing a science-based approach to healing. In the end, you’ll feel empowered and one step closer to finding the relationship and happiness you deserve!
It is so difficult to help a friend who is suffering from the end of their relationship. I’ve been through it before myself, and desperately wanted to be there for them, but at some point it’s hard to know what to do when they seem stuck and can’t move on. ReSingled is laid out so well, is easy to read and understand, and gives very helpful tools needed to heal and start a better relationship. I loved being able to recommend the book and purchased several copies to offer other friends who are going through this.
- Monica, 32
As a parent we suffer so much when our children suffer. It’s heart wrenching when their relationships end and I felt somewhat helpless. I recommended my daughter read this book; it gave me a way to say the things I wanted to say but were hard to say (and hear) from a parent. The information hits the mark in terms of dealing with the painful situation and preparing for a better, healthier relationship.
- Jayne, mother.
Licensed Mental Health Professional
As I was reading the book, I found so many times when I was thinking to myself, “I can’t wait to recommend this book to this client or that client”. The book helps understand important ideas like how emotions and brain biases work in an easy way, which can make a huge difference in their lives.
- Lisa S. (49) Ed.S., LMFT, LMHC, RPT-S, QS
Divorced Male
It is remarkably well written, so a layman like me can understand it, yet backed with the solid psychological foundations. It reads as a clinical approach written in a wonderfully accessible style without being folksy and all the while pointing to the concepts that make up the framework of the ideas.
- Patrick, 54

Choose to Thrive… Not Just Survive

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